Async and Await

Many operations we ask the computer to do can take a while to finish. For example, if you used a video editor to create a video of a family celebration, exporting it could take anywhere from minutes to hours. Similarly, downloading a video shared by someone in your family might take a long time. It would be nice if we could do something else while we are waiting for those long-running processes to complete.

The video export will use as much CPU and GPU power as it can. If you only had one CPU core, and your operating system never paused that export until it completed, you could not do anything else on your computer while it was running. That would be a pretty frustrating experience, though. Instead, your computer’s operating system can—and does!—invisibly interrupt the export often enough to let you get other work done along the way.

The file download is different. It does not take up very much CPU time. Instead, the CPU needs to wait on data to arrive from the network. While you can start reading the data once some of it is present, it might take a while for the rest to show up. Even once the data is all present, a video can be quite large, so it might take some time to load it all. Maybe it only takes a second or two—but that is a very long time for a modern processor, which can do billions of operations every second. It would be nice to be able to put the CPU to use for other work while waiting for the network call to finish—so, again, your operating system will invisibly interrupt your program so other things can happen while the network operation is still ongoing.

Note: The video export is the kind of operation which is often described as “CPU-bound” or “compute-bound”. It is limited by the speed of the computer’s ability to process data within the CPU or GPU, and how much of that speed it can use. The video download is the kind of operation which is often described as “IO-bound,” because it is limited by the speed of the computer’s input and output. It can only go as fast as the data can be sent across the network.

In both of these examples, the operating system’s invisible interrupts provide a form of concurrency. That concurrency only happens at the level of a whole program, though: the operating system interrupts one program to let other programs get work done. In many cases, since we understand our programs at a much more granular level than the operating system does, we can spot lots of opportunities for concurrency that the operating system cannot see.

For example, if we are building a tool to manage file downloads, we should be able to write our program in such a way that starting one download does not lock up the UI, and users should be able to start multiple downloads at the same time. Many operating system APIs for interacting with the network are blocking, though. That is, these APIs block the program’s progress until the data that they are processing is completely ready.

Note: This is how most function calls work, if you think about it! However, we normally reserve the term “blocking” for function calls which interact with files, the network, or other resources on the computer, because those are the places where an individual program would benefit from the operation being non-blocking.

We could avoid blocking our main thread by spawning a dedicated thread to download each file. However, we would eventually find that the overhead of those threads was a problem. It would also be nicer if the call were not blocking in the first place. Last but not least, it would be better if we could write in the same direct style we use in blocking code. Something like this:

let data = fetch_data_from(url).await;

That is exactly what Rust’s async abstraction gives us. Before we see how this works in practice, though, we need to take a short detour into the differences between parallelism and concurrency.

Parallelism and Concurrency

In the previous chapter we treated parallelism and concurrency as mostly interchangeable. Now we need to distinguish between them more precisely, because the differences will show up as we start working.

Consider the different ways a team could split up work on a software project. We could assign a single individual multiple tasks, or we could assign one task per team member, or we could do a mix of both approaches.

When an individual works on several different tasks before any of them is complete, this is concurrency. Maybe you have two different projects checked out on your computer, and when you get bored or stuck on one project, you switch to the other. You are just one person, so you cannot make progress on both tasks tasks at the exact same time—but you can multi-task, making progress on multiple tasks by switching between them.

Concurrent work flow
Figure 17-1: A concurrent workflow, switching between Task A and Task B

When you agree to split up a group of tasks between the people on the team, with each person taking one task and working on it alone, this is parallelism. Each person on the team can make progress at the exact same time.

Concurrent work flow
Figure 17-2: A parallel workflow, where work happens on Task A and Task B independently

With both of these situations, you might have to coordinate between different tasks. Maybe you thought the task that one person was working on was totally independent from everyone else’s work, but it actually needs something finished by another person on the team. Some of the work could be done in parallel, but some of it was actually serial: it could only happen in a series, one thing after the other. Likewise, you might realize that one of your own tasks depends on another of your tasks. Now your concurrent work has also become serial.

Parallelism and concurrency can intersect with each other, too. If you learn that a colleague is stuck until you finish one of your tasks, you will probably focus all your efforts on that task to “unblock” your colleague. You and your coworker are no longer able to work in parallel, and you are also no longer able to work concurrently on your own tasks.

The same basic dynamics come into play with software and hardware. On a machine with a single CPU core, the CPU can only do one operation at a time, but it can still work concurrently. Using tools like threads, processes, and async, the computer can pause one activity and switch to others before eventually cycling back to that first activity again. On a machine with multiple CPU cores, it can also do work in parallel. One core can be doing one thing while another core does something completely unrelated, and those actually happen at the same time.

When working with async in Rust, we are always dealing with concurrency. Depending on the hardware, the operating system, and the async runtime we are using—more on async runtimes shortly!—that concurrency may also use parallelism under the hood.

Now, let’s dive into how async programming in Rust actually works! In the rest of this chapter, we will:

  • see how to use Rust’s async and .await syntax
  • explore how to use the async model to solve some of the same challenges we looked at in Chapter 16
  • look at how multithreading and async provide complementary solutions, which you can even use together in many cases