Fixing Ownership Errors
Learning how to fix an ownership error is a core Rust skill. When the borrow checker rejects your code, how should you respond? In this section, we will discuss several case studies of common ownership errors. Each case study will present a function rejected by the compiler. Then we will explain why Rust rejects the function, and show several ways to fix it.
A common theme will be understanding whether a function is actually safe or unsafe. Rust will always reject an unsafe program1. But sometimes, Rust will also reject a safe program. These case studies will show how to respond to errors in both situations.
Fixing an Unsafe Program: Returning a Reference to the Stack
Our first case study is about returning a reference to the stack, just like we discussed last section in “Data Must Outlive All Of Its References”. Here’s the function we looked at:
fn return_a_string() -> &String {
let s = String::from("Hello world");
When thinking about how to fix this function, we need to ask: why is this program unsafe? Here, the issue is with the lifetime of the referred data. If you want to pass around a reference to a string, you have to make sure that the underlying string lives long enough.
Depending on the situation, here are four ways you can extend the lifetime of the string. One is to move ownership of the string out of the function, changing &String
to String
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { fn return_a_string() -> String { let s = String::from("Hello world"); s } }
Another possibility is to return a string literal, which lives forever (indicated by 'static
). This solution applies if we never intend to change the string, and then a heap allocation is unnecessary:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { fn return_a_string() -> &'static str { "Hello world" } }
Another possibility is to defer borrow-checking to runtime by using garbage collection. For example, you can use a reference-counted pointer:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use std::rc::Rc; fn return_a_string() -> Rc<String> { let s = Rc::new(String::from("Hello world")); Rc::clone(&s) } }
We will discuss reference-counting more in Chapter 15.4 “Rc<T>
, the Reference Counted Smart Pointer”. In short, Rc::clone
only clones a pointer to s
and not the data itself. At runtime, the Rc
checks when the last Rc
pointing to data has been dropped, and then deallocates the data.
Yet another possibility is to have the caller provide a “slot” to put the string using a mutable reference:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { fn return_a_string(output: &mut String) { output.replace_range(.., "Hello world"); } }
With this strategy, the caller is responsible for creating space for the string. This style can be verbose, but it can also be more memory-efficient if the caller needs to carefully control when allocations occur.
Which strategy is most appropriate will depend on your application. But the key idea is to recognize the root issue underlying the surface-level ownership error. How long should my string live? Who should be in charge of deallocating it? Once you have a clear answer to those questions, then it’s a matter of changing your API to match.
Fixing an Unsafe Program: Not Enough Permissions
Another common issue is trying to mutate read-only data, or trying to drop data behind a reference. For example, let’s say we tried to write a function stringify_name_with_title
. This function is supposed to create a person’s full name from a vector of name parts, including an extra title.
This program is rejected by the borrow checker because name
is an immutable reference, but name.push(..)
requires the W permission. This program is unsafe because push
could invalidate other references to name
outside of stringify_name_with_title
, like this:
In this example, a reference first
to name[0]
is created before calling stringify_name_with_title
. The function name.push(..)
reallocates the contents of name
, which invalidates first
, causing the println
to read deallocated memory.
So how do we fix this API? One straightforward solution is to change the type of name from &Vec<String>
to &mut Vec<String>
fn stringify_name_with_title(name: &mut Vec<String>) -> String {
let full = name.join(" ");
But this is not a good solution! Functions should not mutate their inputs if the caller would not expect it. A person calling stringify_name_with_title
probably does not expect their vector to be modified by this function. Another function like add_title_to_name
might be expected to mutate its input, but not our function.
Another option is to take ownership of the name, by changing &Vec<String>
to Vec<String>
fn stringify_name_with_title(mut name: Vec<String>) -> String {
let full = name.join(" ");
But this is also not a good solution! It is very rare for Rust functions to take ownership of heap-owning data structures like Vec
and String
. This version of stringify_name_with_title
would make the input name
unusable, which is very annoying to a caller as we discussed at the beginning of “References and Borrowing”.
So the choice of &Vec
is actually a good one, which we do not want to change. Instead, we can change the body of the function. There are many possible fixes which vary in how much memory they use. One possibility is to clone the input name
fn stringify_name_with_title(name: &Vec<String>) -> String {
let mut name_clone = name.clone();
let full = name_clone.join(" ");
By cloning name
, we are allowed to mutate the local copy of the vector. However, the clone copies every string in the input. We can avoid unnecessary copies by adding the suffix later:
fn stringify_name_with_title(name: &Vec<String>) -> String {
let mut full = name.join(" ");
full.push_str(" Esq.");
This solution works because slice::join
already copies the data in name
into the string full
In general, writing Rust functions is a careful balance of asking for the right level of permissions. For this example, it’s most idiomatic to only expect the read permission on name
Fixing an Unsafe Program: Aliasing and Mutating a Data Structure
Another unsafe operation is using a reference to heap data that gets deallocated by another alias. For example, here’s a function that gets a reference to the largest string in a vector, and then uses it while mutating the vector:
Note: this example uses iterators and closures to succinctly find a reference to the largest string. We will discuss those features in later chapters, and for now we will provide an intuitive sense of how the features work here.
This program is rejected by the borrow checker because let largest = ..
removes the W permissions on dst
. However, dst.push(..)
requires the W permission. Again, we should ask: why is this program unsafe? Because dst.push(..)
could deallocate the contents of dst
, invalidating the reference largest
To fix the program, the key insight is that we need to shorten the lifetime of largest
to not overlap with dst.push(..)
. One possibility is to clone largest
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { fn add_big_strings(dst: &mut Vec<String>, src: &[String]) { let largest: String = dst.iter().max_by_key(|s| s.len()).unwrap().clone(); for s in src { if s.len() > largest.len() { dst.push(s.clone()); } } } }
However, this may cause a performance hit for allocating and copying the string data.
Another possibility is to perform all the length comparisons first, and then mutate dst
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { fn add_big_strings(dst: &mut Vec<String>, src: &[String]) { let largest: &String = dst.iter().max_by_key(|s| s.len()).unwrap(); let to_add: Vec<String> = src.iter().filter(|s| s.len() > largest.len()).cloned().collect(); dst.extend(to_add); } }
However, this also causes a performance hit for allocating the vector to_add
A final possibility is to copy out the length of largest
, since we don’t actually need the contents of largest
, just its length.
This solution is arguably the most idiomatic and the most performant:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { fn add_big_strings(dst: &mut Vec<String>, src: &[String]) { let largest_len: usize = dst.iter().max_by_key(|s| s.len()).unwrap().len(); for s in src { if s.len() > largest_len { dst.push(s.clone()); } } } }
These solutions all share in common the key idea: shortening the lifetime of borrows on dst
to not overlap with a mutation to dst
Fixing an Unsafe Program: Copying vs. Moving Out of a Collection
A common confusion for Rust learners happens when copying data out of a collection, like a vector. For example, here’s a safe program that copies a number out of a vector:
The dereference operation *n_ref
expects just the R permission, which the path *n_ref
has. But what happens if we change the type of elements in the vector from i32
to String
? Then it turns out we no longer have the necessary permissions:
The first program will compile, but the second program will not compile. Rust gives the following error message:
error[E0507]: cannot move out of `*s_ref` which is behind a shared reference
4 | let s = *s_ref;
| ^^^^^^
| |
| move occurs because `*s_ref` has type `String`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
The issue is that the vector v
owns the string “Hello world”. When we dereference s_ref
, that tries to take ownership of the string from the vector. But references are non-owning pointers — we can’t take ownership through a reference. Therefore Rust complains that we “cannot move out of […] a shared reference”.
But why is this unsafe? We can illustrate the problem by simulating the rejected program:
What happens here is a double-free. After executing let s = *s_ref
, both v
and s
think they own “Hello world”. After s
is dropped, “Hello world” is deallocated. Then v
is dropped, and undefined behavior happens when the string is freed a second time.
Note: after executing
s = *s_ref
, we don’t even have to usev
to cause undefined behavior through the double-free. As soon as we move the string out froms_ref
, undefined behavior will happen once the elements are dropped.
However, this undefined behavior does not happen when the vector contains i32
elements. The difference is that copying a String
copies a pointer to heap data. Copying an i32
does not.
In technical terms, Rust says that the type i32
implements the Copy
trait, while String
does not implement Copy
(we will discuss traits in a later chapter).
In sum, if a value does not own heap data, then it can be copied without a move. For example:
- An
does not own heap data, so it can be copied without a move. - A
does own heap data, so it can not be copied without a move. - An
does not own heap data, so it can be copied without a move.
Note: One exception to this rule is mutable references. For example,
&mut i32
is not a copyable type. So if you do something like:let mut n = 0; let a = &mut n; let b = a;
cannot be used after being assigned tob
. That prevents two mutable references to the same data from being used at the same time.
So if we have a vector of non-Copy
types like String
, then how do we safely get access to an element of the vector? Here’s a few different ways to safely do so. First, you can avoid taking ownership of the string and just use an immutable reference:
fn main() {
let v: Vec<String> = vec![String::from("Hello world")];
let s_ref: &String = &v[0];
Second, you can clone the data if you want to get ownership of the string while leaving the vector alone:
fn main() {
let v: Vec<String> = vec![String::from("Hello world")];
let mut s: String = v[0].clone();
Finally, you can use a method like Vec::remove
to move the string out of the vector:
fn main() {
let mut v: Vec<String> = vec![String::from("Hello world")];
let mut s: String = v.remove(0);
assert!(v.len() == 0);
Fixing a Safe Program: Mutating Different Tuple Fields
The above examples are cases where a program is unsafe. Rust may also reject safe programs. One common issue is that Rust tries to track permissions at a fine-grained level. However, Rust may conflate two different places as the same place.
Let’s first look at an example of fine-grained permission tracking that passes the borrow checker. This program shows how you can borrow one field of a tuple, and write to a different field of the same tuple:
The statement let first = &name.0
borrows name.0
. This borrow removes WO permissions from name.0
. It also removes WO permissions from name
. (For example, one could not pass name
to a function that takes as input a value of type (String, String)
.) But name.1
still retains the W permission, so doing name.1.push_str(...)
is a valid operation.
However, Rust can lose track of exactly which places are borrowed. For example, let’s say we refactor the expression &name.0
into a function get_first
. Notice how after calling get_first(&name)
, Rust now removes the W permission on name.1
Now we can’t do name.1.push_str(..)
! Rust will return this error:
error[E0502]: cannot borrow `name.1` as mutable because it is also borrowed as immutable
10 | let first = get_first(&name);
| ----- immutable borrow occurs here
11 | name.1.push_str(", Esq.");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ mutable borrow occurs here
12 | println!("{first} {}", name.1);
| ----- immutable borrow later used here
That’s strange, since the program was safe before we edited it. The edit we made doesn’t meaningfully change the runtime behavior. So why does it matter that we put &name.0
into a function?
The problem is that Rust doesn’t look at the implementation of get_first
when deciding what get_first(&name)
should borrow. Rust only looks at the type signature, which just says “some String
in the input gets borrowed”. Rust conservatively decides then that both name.0
and name.1
get borrowed, and eliminates write and own permissions on both.
Remember, the key idea is that the program above is safe. It has no undefined behavior! A future version of Rust may be smart enough to let it compile, but for today, it gets rejected. So how should we work around the borrow checker today? One possibility is to inline the expression &name.0
, like in the original program. Another possibility is to defer borrow checking to runtime with cells, which we will discuss in future chapters.
Fixing a Safe Program: Mutating Different Array Elements
A similar kind of problem arises when we borrow elements of an array. For example, observe what places are borrowed when we take a mutable reference to an array:
Rust’s borrow checker does not contain different places for a[0]
, a[1]
, and so on. It uses a single place a[_]
that represents all indexes of a
. Rust does this because it cannot always determine the value of an index. For example, imagine a more complex scenario like this:
let idx = a_complex_function();
let x = &mut a[idx];
What is the value of idx
? Rust isn’t going to guess, so it assumes idx
could be anything. For example, let’s say we try to read from one array index while writing to a different one:
However, Rust will reject this program because a
gave its read permission to x
. The compiler’s error message says the same thing:
error[E0502]: cannot borrow `a[_]` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
3 | let x = &mut a[1];
| --------- mutable borrow occurs here
4 | let y = &a[2];
| ^^^^^ immutable borrow occurs here
5 | *x += *y;
| -------- mutable borrow later used here
Again, this program is safe. For cases like these, Rust often provides a function in the standard library that can work around the borrow checker. For example, we could use slice::split_at_mut
fn main() {
let mut a = [0, 1, 2, 3];
let (a_l, a_r) = a.split_at_mut(2);
let x = &mut a_l[1];
let y = &a_r[0];
*x += *y;
You might wonder, but how is split_at_mut
implemented? In some Rust libraries, especially core types like Vec
or slice
, you will often find unsafe
blocks. unsafe
blocks allow the use of “raw” pointers, which are not checked for safety by the borrow checker. For example, we could use an unsafe block to accomplish our task:
fn main() {
let mut a = [0, 1, 2, 3];
let x = &mut a[1] as *mut i32;
let y = &a[2] as *const i32;
unsafe { *x += *y; } // DO NOT DO THIS unless you know what you're doing!
Unsafe code is sometimes necessary to work around the limitations of the borrow checker. As a general strategy, let’s say the borrow checker rejects a program you think is actually safe. Then you should look for standard library functions (like split_at_mut
) that contain unsafe
blocks which solve your problem. We will discuss unsafe code further in Chapter 20. For now, just be aware that unsafe code is how Rust implements certain otherwise-impossible patterns.
When fixing an ownership error, you should ask yourself: is my program actually unsafe? If yes, then you need to understand the root cause of the unsafety. If no, then you need to understand the limitations of the borrow checker to work around them.
This guarantee applies for programs written in the “safe subset” of Rust. If you use unsafe
code or invoke unsafe components (like calling a C library), then you must take extra care to avoid undefined behavior.